Featured Playlist
A famous "Diana" played by two pilgrims near Punta Corral.
The Diana is a musical form performed by two sikus. The combination of both intruments generates the tune. This melody is called the "The gut remover", because to make the song work with the sikus you have to blow out your stomach and lungs.
„02_Canuto“. Genre: Blues.
In this track we can listen to the “Young Eligio Gómez” singing a Chacarera. Almost all the verses are in Quechua and the chorus in Spanish. This singer, who died two years ago, is much loved and remebered in the south of Santiago del Estero, because, in the manner of the ancient minstrels, he traveled all around the south of the province on his bicycle singing. Eligio stands as one of the most genuine guitarerros of Santiago’s folklore, a region that has great importance within Argentine folklore.
baguala, Tucumán, Argentina and coplas "chaqueñas", Salta, Argentina
„RPOCESSING 5 - Oguz_Buyukberber_Master_230705“.
Bowen, Santa Barbara (2023) von Hollis Taylor und Jon Rose geschrieben für Pied Butcherbird, Sopran-Blockflöte, Violine und Kontrabass.