The Zodiac Happening
The Zodiac Happening is a musical mosaic about the relationship between man and nature, based on pieces in song format by Debussy, Radiohead, Stockhausen, Schultheiss, Takemitsu and Taylor.
Humans depend on nature for their survival. So it is not surprising that nature has always played an inspiring role in music, connecting us to the people of the past. "The Zodiac Happening" is a different kind of concert - a moving narration of short nature episodes. Be it a beguiling melody by Debussy, the extraordinary song of a bird from the red desert of Australia, a touching song about hunting bears or a bizarre scene from Stockhausen's famous Zodiac melodies. Nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and this concert is much more than a musical performance. It is a powerful message to our consciousness and a call for change.
Nature and music are inseparable because music is 'alive', it is not static, it is always in process; because it literally needs air to breathe inorder to be heard at all, while it itself becomes a reality that surrounds us and has a physical effect on us.
Recorded on July 17, 2024 with Jörg Surrey at Teldex Studio Berlin.