Magdalena Cerezo


Magdalena Cerezo is a pianist who specializes in contemporary music. She explores new ways of integrating the piano into performance and multimedia art in the 21st century, challenging the Eurocentric view of piano culture. She has worked with composers such as Bernhard Lang, Wolfgang Rihm, Beat Furrer and Helmut Lachenmann and premiered works by Peter Ablinger and Mauricio Sotelo. As an honorary member of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie and founding member of the duo LAB51 and the trio f:t, she has played in renowned ensembles such as the Ulysses Ensemble and the Plural Ensemble. Her most recent projects include the recording of her solo album SZENARIUM and the piano duo program "El minimalismo a dos pianos". Magdalena has performed at major venues such as the Auditorio Nacional de Madrid and the Kölner Philharmonie and participated in festivals such as the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music and the Donaueschinger Musiktage. She lives in Germany and teaches contemporary song and performance at the Karlsruhe University of Music.

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