Step Out is the collection of Merve Salgars favourite traditional Ottoman-Turkish love songs. The album contains a selection of simple and airy love songs from the early 20th century.
Merve Salgar plays the tanbur, a traditional Ottoman/Turkish string instrument, and is accompanied by Anil Eraslan on the cello, Taner Akyol on the Bağlama, and Ruben Tenenbaum on the violin. All of them are established Turkish musicians and have a passion for improvisation.
About Ottoman Turkish Music
Merve Salgar is born and raised in Istanbul and hence deeply connected to traditional Turkish music. She often steps out of her comfort zone, to push the boundaries of traditional tanbur playing techniques, while drawing inspiration from the instrument's cultural heritage, paying homage to history, while simultaneously defying the notion of preserving the past it as is. Her vocal performances, are one way she upholds tradition, though it is rare to see people playing tanbur and singing at the same time today. The album contains Salgars favourite 20th century Ottoman love songs, with a modern twist. The tanbur is a type of plucked, stringed instrument used in Ottoman and Turkish music, often played either as a solo instrument or as part of an ensemble. It is known for its rich sound, and its long neck can feature up to 48 frets. Depending on usage, the tanbur can have seven or eight strings, which allows for a wide range. Traditionally, the instrument is played using a plectrum made from tortoise shell, referred to as a "mizrap".
Ottoman-Turkish music originated in urban regions of the Ottoman Empire. It is characterised by a monophonic structure and based on Makam, a traditional modal system. Its influences are rich and various, manly Turkish, Arab, Persian, Greek, Jewish, and Armenian. These cultures co-existed under the Ottoman Empire, generating a rich melting pot.
The songs
The songs on the album were composed during the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the first years of the Turkish Republic. Most of the songs were written by women composers.
Kaçsam bırakıp send uzak yollara gitsem
Kalbim yanıyor ismini her kimden işitsem
Derdinle ufuklarda sönen gün gibi bitsem
Kalbim yanıyor ismini her kimden işitsem
If I run away and go to distant roads leaving you behind
My heart burns, whoever I hear your name from
If I end up like a day extinguished in the horizons with your sorrows
My heart burns, whoever I hear your name from.
Makam : Nihavend
Composer : There are two different rumors surrounding the composer of this song. The first suggests that the song was written by a musician from Izmir named Mehves Dolay. She supposedly brought the composition, which she had written when she was between 20-25 years old, to Istanbul and had it recorded at Columbia Record Company. The song was first sung on the record by Deniz Kızı Eftelya Hanım, but unfortunately, Mehveş Hanım's name is not listed on the record. Instead, the names of an Armenian and a male composer are listed on the record. During those years, it was not accepted for a woman to compose and distribute music, so she used a pseudonym.
According to another rumor, there is no female composer with the name Mehves Dolay. Instead, it is a pseudonym used by a cellist named Vecdi Seyhun (1915-1984), who composed the song under the name of his beloved aunt, Mehves.
Aman cânâ beni şâd et
Terahhûm eyle imdâd et
Dilersen terk-i kast eyle
Bana sen kıyma, azâd et
Firâkınla perişânım.
Sana olsun fedâ, cânım.
Geçip cevr-i sitemden gel,
Mürüvvet eyle, insâf et.
Hâyalinle gece gündüz
dü çeşmim çağlayıp durdu
benim cânım a sultanım
beni bir sözle dilşâd et
Beni oldur de azad et
Kimi ister isen şâd et
Oh my beloved, make me happy,
Have mercy and help me.
If you wish, abandon your intention,
Don't hurt me, set me free.
I am in agony because of our separation.
I sacrifice myself to you, my life.
Come and end my suffering,
Show me kindness, be fair.
My eyes have been overflowing with tears
Day and night because of the thought of you.
Oh my sultan, my love,
Comfort me with a word.
Either kill me or set me free,
Make whoever you wish happy.
Makam : Buselik
Composer : Fehmi Tokay (1889-1959)
Kuş olup uçsam sevgilimin diyarına
Saçından bir tel alsam ah taksam başıma
Söylesem sevgimi, kalbimi açsam ona
Aşkımın çiçeğini taksam başına
Sözleri ah sitemkar kıskanır beni yakar
Nazlanır yalvarır ah o güzel yar
If I could become a bird and fly to my beloved's land
And take a strand of hair from her/him, oh, and wear it on my head
If I could express my love and open up my heart to her/him
And wear the flower of my love on my head
The words, ah, they are full of lament and jealousy, burning me
She/he coquets, pleads, oh, that beautiful beloved.
Makam : Buselik
Composer : Fehmi Tokay (1889-1959)
Mendilimin yeşili aman aman
Ben kaybettim eşimi
Al bu mendil sende kalsın
Sil gözünün yaşını
Aman doctor canım kuzum doctor
Derdime bir çare
Çaresiz dertlere düştüm
Doctor bana bir çare
Mendilim benek benek
Ortası çarkıfelek
Yazı beraber geçirdik
Kışın ayırdı felek
The green of my handkerchief
I lost my partner
Take this handkerchief, let it stay with you
Wipe your tears with it
Oh doctor, my dear doctor
Find a cure for my pain
I have fallen into despair and sorrow
Doctor, give me a remedy
My handkerchief is spotted
With a wheel in the middle
We spent the summer together
But fate separated us in winter
Makam : Saba
Composer : Anonymous
Hüsranla gönül hep inler
Gece gündüz ah eder
Bir serab oldu şimdi hayalin
Canım sen, neşem sen, bir lahza görsem
Neden solar çiçekler, onlar da hasret mi çeker
Bilinmez ne söyler, sevdiğini mi özler gözler
Bir serab oldu şimdi hayalin
Canım sen, neşem sen, bir lahza görsem
The heart always moans with disappointment
Sighs day and night with regret
Your image has become an illusion now
My dear, my joy, if only I could see you for a moment
Why do flowers wither, do they too long?
The eyes remain unknown, do they miss their loved ones?
Your image has become an illusion now
My dear, my joy, if only I could see you for a moment.
Makam : Nihavend
Composer : Neveser Kökdeş
Makam : Acemkurdi
Composer : Refik Fersan (1893-1965)
Rüzgar uyumuş, ay dalıyor her taraf ıssız
Ölgün ışıyor varsa henüz bir iki yıldız
Gel çıt bile yok, korkma benim bahçede yalnız
Ey gözlerinin rengi kadar, kalbi güzel kız
The wind has calmed, the moon is descending, everywhere is deserted
One or two stars are shining faintly, if there are any
Come, there isn't even a sound, don't be afraid, I'm alone in my garden
Oh, girl with eyes as beautiful as the color of them, and a beautiful heart.
Rûzgâr kırdı dalımı
Ellerin günâhı ne
Ben yitirdim yolumu
Yolların günâhı ne
Hep yâr peşinden koştum
Ben küstüm ben barıştım
Kendim dillere düştüm
Diller günâhı ne
Ne kış dedim ne bahâr
İçtim sabâha kadar
Erken ağardı saçlar
Yılların günâhı ne
The wind broke my branch
people are not at fault
I've lost my way
Roads are not at fault
I always ran after my beloved
I sulked and I made up
I'm the talk of the town,
tongues are not at fault
winter summer didn't matter
I drank until morning
My hair grayed early
Years are not at fault
Makam : Buselik
Composer : Selahattin Erk ö se (1929-2013)